And so you know how that is done, we decided to produce this article. Therefore, continue reading to better understand Business Email List what a blog is, how it should be used in marketing and sales actions, and also how you can create one today. But, in the end, what is a blog? What is a blog for? How can a blog be used in a marketing strategy? How can a Business Email List blog be used in a sales strategy? Stage: Create a blog focused on results But, in the end, what is a blog? What is a blog for? There was a time when blogs were personal channels Business Email List that the public used to talk about their lives and other private matters.
But, it is clear that, today, that panorama changed. A blog is a digital tool used by companies to attract their ideal audience and generate Business Email List engagement in order to obtain more business opportunities. Contrary Business Email List to what some believe, a corporate blog is different from a website , because its proposals are different, as you will see Business Email List below. What is the difference between a website and a blog? The website is the main channel of your Digital Marketing strategy . After all, it contains the most important Business Email List information about your business, such as: about us; products and services; work with us; Contact; among other points.
On the other hand, the blog is aimed at generating content that deals, for the most part, with matters related to your sector of Business Email List activity. A mistake that some companies make when they begin to develop Content Marketing without proper guidance is to create blog posts that only talk about their products and services. But the Business Email List company needs to talk exclusively about its offers on its channels to attract the Business Email List public and thus do more business, right? No , at least when it comes to blogs.